Moving to a new city is never easy and adjusting to the different elements of a new city could take you and your family some time. Differences in customs, entertainment and climate can be especially hard on kids who usually have a hard time getting back into the swing of things. As a courtesy to our customers American Van Lines would like to offer some great tips on adjusting to the weather in your new environment.
Moving from Colder to Warmer Conditions
If you are moving from a usually cold environment then you will need to know how to keep cool in the warmer months. The first thing that you should do before you leave your current location is plan your move during the spring time so you can gradually adjust to the climate as it heats up.
You should also contact your vehicle manufacture to find out how your car is affected in different temperatures. Have your vehicle tuned up before driving around in hotter temperatures. Wax containing UV protection should be applied to prevent cracking and peeling your paint job.
Pets should be groomed before moving to help them keep them cool in their new environment. Try not to spend too much time outside until you completely adjust to the weather. When you do go outside, remember to stay hydrated and use plenty of sunscreen. Be mindful of children playing outside especially if they are new to warmer climates because they may be tempted to spend extended periods outdoors and without properly hydrating themselves. Make sure to keep plenty of sports drinks handy to replace electrolytes that can be drained during play. Schedule break times to allow them to cool off. Your clothing could make the difference between keeping cool and dry and being uncomfortably hot. Lightweight materials like cotton, linen, and silk will help you remain cool in hotter environments.
Moving from Warmer to Colder Conditions
Winter weather can be just as harsh as the summer months. If you are not familiar with colder temperatures then you may be surprised by the drastic changes in the winter. The kind of home you live in could really impact your winter experience as well. Tiled floors can make a home uncomfortably cold so you should consider getting floor rugs. Hanging thick drapes are a great way to provide a barrier between the cold conditions outside and the inside of your home.
Be mindful of unleveled driveways. Sloping driveways are a hazard to both you and your car. Those that are not used to frozen pavement will want to avoid these types of grounds until they get used to walking on iced pavement. You should also avoid the unusually fluffy patches snow that may hide ice over puddles; these can cause severe falls or frostbite.
Clothing is very important in the winter as it is your only line of defense from the harsh environment. The best idea is to dress in layers to keep warm. Gloves and boots with the proper traction are a must to combat the harsh winter conditions. Scarves, warm socks and thermal underwear are also essentials that you might not be used to wearing.
Purchase the appropriate heating equipment for at home use. It is recommended that you keep two kinds of heating sources in the event that you should lose power. A wood stove is a good items to keep around because wood is easy to come by and should provide ample heat during a black out. An ice scrapper should be kept handy to remove any ice or snow that may have collected on your windshield.
Your driving will be greatly affected in the winter and proper winter driving techniques should be practiced by all driving members of your family. Your diet also determines how easily you adjust to the changes in climate. Eating large quantities of fruits and vegetables and drinking lots of water will help to build your immune system. If you follow these simple tips you will be right at home in your new environment no matter what time of the year it may be.